The inspiration for My Coach Reviews came about after I spent almost an hour online researching plumbers for a minor home repair. I read multiple reviews and checked the websites of each candidate – all for something that was probably not going to cost me more than $100.

Yet when it comes to shelling out thousands of dollars for my kids and their club sports, I – like most sports parents – do so with only the faintest idea about the coach who will lead them. Is he a screamer? Does she develop her players? Does he lift up and inspire his players, or tear them down and crush their confidence? Does she carry a roster that is way too big? Does he play favorites? Heck, is he or she even a good coach?

If you’re like most parents, the answer to these questions usually only comes long after the club has cashed your check and your commitment to that coach is locked in for a year. Because competitive youth sports is an area where otherwise intelligent people will plunk down a significant amount of money with only the vaguest notion about what kind of coach their son or daughter is getting.

My Coach Reviews aims to change that.

With honest, informative reviews of the coaches who will be an integral part of your son or daughter’s sports journey and development, My Coach Reviews wants to give the power back to the parents. My Coach Reviews is about finding the right fit for your child, from the beginning club/travel player to those on track to play in college (or beyond). It’s about identifying the great coaches while revealing the ones to avoid. Because you deserve to know as much information as possible about the person playing such a key role in your child’s sports dreams.

Thanks for checking out the site. And be sure to let us know what you think and how we can improve it.